Diyonumo Island, Beautiful Natural Painting in North Gorontalo

Diyonumo Island, Beautiful Natural Painting in North Gorontalo

Gorontalo Province is not only known for its special culinary that inspires the taste, but also with a row of attractions with beautiful natural scenery that awaits to stop off. In Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara, which is the youngest district in Gorontalo Province, there is an uninhabited small island that is still rarely visited. This island save the beauty that is not less beautiful with other tours in Gorontalo. The island is located in the village of Deme, District Sumalata, Gorontalo regency is named Island Diyonumo.

Diyonumo Island, Beautiful Natural Painting in North Gorontalo

Diyonumo Island, Beautiful Natural Painting in North Gorontalo

The name of the island may still be a bit strange to the ears of the tourists even in the ears of residents of Gorontalo though, because the island is still considered virgin with no tourist facilities commonly found in other tourist attractions. Camping with friends on the island trips Diyonumo highly recommended, you can be satisfied around the island. To add to the exciting experience, can also fish and burn various fish and marine animals to prop up the stomach after a day touring the island. If you do not want to bother, not infrequently the fishermen stop by the island, the visitors can buy a variety of fish or squid to cook.

Diyonumo Island, Beautiful Natural Painting in North Gorontalo

If departing from downtown Gorontalo, the location of Diyonumo Island can be reached within two or three hours of land travel. After that time, visitors will arrive in the District Sulamata. From here visitors can continue the journey until the Village Deme 2 which became a ferry to Diyonumo Island. Crossing is done using small vessels owned by citizens commonly used to find fish. The crossing takes less than 15 minutes. Shortly arriving on the shore of this island, it looks ordinary, looks like a beach in general.

Diyonumo Island, Beautiful Natural Painting in North Gorontalo

Diyonumo Island, Beautiful Natural Painting in North Gorontalo

But do not be in a hurry, try to slightly climb to the hill. You will be amazed at the beauty that is shown from this uninhabited island, the high grass stretch as if to warmly welcome anyone who comes to this island. The grass that grows high and wide meets the top of the hill, very suitable for a place to take pictures.

Diyonumo Island, Beautiful Natural Painting in North Gorontalo

The blend of green from the grass on the hilltop of Diyonumo Island, with its blue sea water around the island, adds to the beautiful paintings of the Almighty in Northern Gorontalo.

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