Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

Like other regions in Indonesia, Surabaya also has many delicious special foods. Typical Surabaya food is famous for its savory and sometimes spicy taste. Here is a list of typical Surabaya foods that you must taste when you come there.

Cingur Salad

Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

You could say cingur salad is the most famous typical food of Surabaya. Different from salad in general, which uses fruit as the main ingredient for salad, Cingur Salad uses Cingur, aka cow's mouth. Cingur Salad is served with ingredients such as cucumber, kale, cingur, pineapple, etc.

Mixed Tofu

Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

Mixed tofu is one of Surabaya's specialties that is delicious because it is seasoned with petis, a typical Surabaya spice. This food is usually made from ingredients such as beef, fried tofu, bean sprouts, watercress, and yellow noodles. These ingredients are then doused with seasoning sauce mixed with petis.

Satay Klopo

Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

Satay klopo is made from beef and beef fat. The satay is then grilled and added with spices made from coconut. This coconut then produces a distinctive aroma so that the taste is slightly different from satay in general. Sate klopo is one of Surabaya's specialties at night, although many traders have been selling sate klopo since noon.

Rice Krawu

Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

Rice Krawu is a traditional Surabaya food consisting of rice, shredded meat, samples, and serundeng. A portion of Rice Krawu is usually served using banana leaves or often called pincuk. What makes this delicious Surabaya specialty food loved by many people is that the shredded meat is cooked with offal so that it tastes very tasty even though it is a bit fatty.

Lontong Kupang

Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

Lontong Kupang uses Kupang as its main ingredient. Kupang itself is a sea animal, a kind of small, pale brown shell. Kupang is usually found around the coast. Kupang that has been cooked and seasoned is then served with lontong and lentho then added with sliced lime and chili paste.

Sego Sambel

Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

Sego sambel is a typical Surabaya food that has a spicy taste. A portion of sego sambel usually consists of rice, chili sauce, and side dishes such as omelet, fried soybeans, tofu, tempeh, chicken, or meat. Although it looks simple, this typical Surabaya food is much liked, especially for those who like to eat food with an extreme spicy taste.

Rawon devil

Various Typical Foods of Surabaya, You Must Try

No less popular than cingur salad, rawon devil is also very famous among culinary lovers of the archipelago. This food is called rawon devil because usually the food stalls only open at night. Therefore, rawon devil is synonymous with typical Surabaya food at night. What makes many people like rawon devil is the unique taste of the sauce. Rawon gravy is dark black because it is made from a mixture of kluwek.

That's a typical Surabaya food that has been tested for its deliciousness. Staycation while culinary can be an option to spend free time while in Surabaya. In addition, choose a place to stay in Surabaya that is comfortable and guaranteed cleanliness.

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